A Dog among Women

Hmmm, I don’t think anyone has journaled about this. Okay then, leave it to a canine to tell the story.  I dunno how this is gonna sound but it’s either now, or into eternity.


I believe it was the evening of April 1st when I became 1 lucky K9.  Some of you may recall a talk was being given by one of our friendly loco bloggers, Petrea of PDP. For next to nothing!  And, that wasn’t all. Food was included!! 

I bear witness to that event. Your ace K9 reporter is back with the facts, and nuttin butt.  I think it was also April Fool’s when Petrea spoke but this was no trick or treat. It was a real informative steal.

A little background: Petrea, is best known in these parts as the personal assistant to the gentledog Boz deBoxer.  But, this nite she left her home…to pay a visit to Edmund Blinn!  The Edmund Blinn House to be exact. Oh my.  Nowadays, women just call it The Women’s City Club of Pasadena!   




What’s up with that you say?  Well, I dunno, but officially she was giving a lecture on tips on how to use your blog for business. That’s all I know. And, as I’m sure you humans are now thinking, “yeah, well, what does a dog nose anyhow!”




If you want more reliable information on this wunderful institution, check into these official publications.  If I were a woman, instead of a K9, with a few xtra pesos to spare I wood bee berry interested in joining them. After all, it’s an all women’s club!




But, I digest..

Back to the purpose of my visit that nite – food!  Ahem, I mean, primarily to listen to Petrea  lecture on the blogs & business.

I wasn’t sure I wood even bee abel two attend…Women’s Club!  Luckily an exception was made to allow a dog – this canine. I guess knowing Petrea and her master – Boz de Boxer – can sometimes help. 

Yet, on that nite I found myself behind schedule: 6:50pm my clock alerted.  I thought, “Crap, I missed their 6pm food call!  Forget it. I’m just gonna stay home or go out sniffing for food.”  True, PDP was still going ahead with her talk at 7pm.  Consequently, I felt I had to come support Petrea in her hour of public speaking. Late or not, hunger pains or not. I’m “nothing if not loyal”, another dog servant once told me.

So, I quickly got out and over to Edmund Blinn’s old home at 7:00 exactly! Ate whatever leftover sandwiches were left out for this K9. But,…I had to sit in the back, in the deepest recesses of the room.  (A dog – what you expect)  It was also SRO. Every sit filled.

I took note who had the front row seats.  A familiar purse holder seated right up close to Petrea was among them. Next time I’ll bring my binoculars.



Petrea quickly got down to business in a professional, if not professorial, manner.  Although, she gave me a bit of a spook when she started her talk by mentioning my name. 

She would give us her Top Ten List of tips to consider if you use a blog for business purposes.  Among her tips were:

  • Be consistent with posting to your blog.
  • The blog should have a business like or professional look.
  • Your blog exists to serve your customers/readers.
  • Etc, etc, et al…

Okay, we’re finished. Yes, I know I said 10 tips and I’ve given only you 3. I’m not the one who’s gonna give away her stuff as freebies!  If you want the remaining principles, I surmise you’re either gonna have to buy her book.  Or, invite her to talk at your next corporate function.  How much?  Well, Petrea is as good with a microphone as Sarah Palin so I don’t believe she comes for minimum wage.


Out of guilt & consolation, I will give y’all a couple of my own invaluable ideas on using a blog for business:  Engage your reader/customers by encouraging and responding to their comments.   Also, once you’ve attracted them to visit your blog, get to the point – unlike me. Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for.  Your reader’s attention span is very short! If they don’t see what they want they are clicking you off!  And, off they go to check out your competitor’s website instead.

So those are a couple of my own tips from someone who doesn’t blog for business. 

This has been only a short chapter on The Life of Petrea. Besides her own websites, for more you can peruse the extensive writings on her through the ages in this web journal.


Ok, maybe Raquel Welch didn’t turn me on enuf to go visit her a couple of nites ago. However, speaker Petrea was motivation enuf for me to go up to see her this nite.  Despite the fact I was physically closer to Raquel, it must have been the emotional connection I felt with Petrea that drew me to having to come visit her on that nite.















With That, We’ll Call it a Night! Stay Thirsty My Friends…

