Chanel Hason for Wildlife Caretaker


I was gonna post something yesterday, on a different subject, until I saw someone in the morning, who I first met on the internet a couple years back – the modern 21st century techno way of meeting people. 

Chanel Hason is her name. Local gal who grew up in South Pasadena, but now lives it up in Pasadena!  She studied marine biology and environmental science in college. I’m gonna explain what Chanel (like the perfume!) is currently up to & ask you to please do something relatively small and easy to help her in that regard.  I’m nothing much, if not a supporter of local people I know & like doing stuff I like.




WHO: Chanel  is a local gal: South Pasadena native, Pasadena resident. Blogger. Part of her philosophy is to “do what makes you happy”, and what I’m explaining here flows from that.

She is passionate about animals, the environment, ecotourism, blogging, photography, videography, being in front of the camera, conducting research, meeting new people & exploring new places, Australia, and the marine life & oceanography. Plus I know her to be simply enthusiastic, energetic & sincere!  And having traveled to Queensland, Australia for a year-long student exchange program in college only reinforced her desire for this jobs contest.

WHAT:  Chanel is competing in “The Best Jobs in the World”, a global competition involving six of Australia’s State Tourism Organizations – each offering their own unique best job as a prize.  Six jobs are up for grabs.  These jobs are Chief Funster, Outback Adventurer, Park Ranger, Wildlife Caretaker, Lifestyle Photographer and Taste Master.

After thousands of entrants from around the world, Chanel has made it into the shortlist of 25 for the Animal Caretaker position in South Australia!  On May 15th three (3) finalists will be selected for each job, at which point they will each be invited to Australia for final testing and interviews. On June 21st, the winners will be announced.

The contest is part of an international marketing push which focuses upon promoting tourism to Australia & tourism opportunities provided by Australia’s Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program. How each candidate markets themselves in this competition is part of deciding who the winners will be. The 6  ‘Best Jobs in the World’ each come with a six month salary package worth A$100,000 – including living costs.

WHY: Besides being a wonderful & enthusiastic person who I happen to know, we should support a local girl in this international competition. She’s a fellow blogger.  Knowing her as I do, I know this job fits her perfectly!  I think of her as a mermaid on land & lover of the water.



Show your support by doing at least just one of the following:

Facebook:  Chanel for Wildlife Caretaker  LIKE her page,. leave a comment why she should win, and/or Share it.

Blog:  Photography + Science = Chanel  Follow and/or share her blog, leave a comment why she should win the job.

Twitter: @Chanel   Tweet and retweet    with hashtags #ChanelWC   #BestJobs  @Australia Why Australia should pick Chanel.

If you need another reason, you can do a little extra and she’ll enter you in her contest for one of her supporters to win a FREE trip to Australia.


I leave you with a Q & A interview of Chanel by one of her good friends, Rachel:

Q: What animal do you consider the biggest “badass” of the Australian animal kingdom?
A: Well since Australia is the home to the most deadly animals on the planet, there’s an endless number of them I could chat about. But, I’ll go with the Irukandji Jellyfish! This tiny (no larger than a cubic centimeter) and extremely venomous jellyfish floats around off the coast of out!  (The rest of the interview on the blog, Passionate People Going Positive Places)

Time is of the essence. It’s getting down to the next cut down to the final three. So please act today! Thank y’all much for supporting one of our local gals.



Gotta Get Going! Stay Thirsty My Friends

Pasadena Greetings

Traveling with an Angel


Most of us love traveling!  When people are asked what would they do if they hit the jackpot, e.g., “win the lottery”, “Trave!” is always among the very top things to do.

I too like visiting new, fascinating, & stimulating places…with beautiful women. It’s a great concept. However, the process of traveling to/fro I don’t like, to say the least: long lines, associating with a brunch of people who can’t even speak english which reminds me too much of home, masses of humanity & inhumanity, learning the customs and In’s N Out’s of each place, and coming back with a lighter wallet or heavier debt load…just to name a few dislikes, etc, etc!! 

And do I need to remind y’all of TSA body checkers at the airport. Maybe some of my blogger friends don’t mind the fondling but my fondling is done privately, as it should be with y’all come to think of it!

Fortunately we have “expert travelers” to guide us safely along the traveling tightrope.  Rick Steeves on PBS is one favorite with his wonderful travelogues! . But here in Pasadena we also have our wise travelers to guide us on our merry ways.

One source is Distant Lands on Raymond Avenue in Old Town Pasadena. They’ve been our #1 source of travel expertise since last century.




Another source is Angel Castellanos, or, as I’ll call him – the Travel Angel of Pasadena. In his younger days Angel used to work at Distant Lands.  Just the other day I attended a travel talk (Travel Tips & Tricks) he gave at Distant Lands.  I know him through a Pasadena group we’re members of and via a mutual friend at the Tournament of Roses. And good people I know, with something offer, I try to support in my small way:  the other day attending his event, and today in this blog journal.




Topics he covered were 1) packing light & smart 2) getting through the airport without hassle 3) tips & tricks at your destination 4) Q & A

Just a few of the tips & tricks I’ll share with you here:

  • Before packing something (hairdryer as one example) check what provisions the hotel & airline may already have for you!
  • Scan/Copy important documents like your Passport. Take these extras with you.
  • Try to avoid tour packages so you can be independent and meet real local people.
  • Carry a money belt to foil pickpockets.
  • Keep all your electronics in your carry-on bag


After his presentation I scanned the travel offerings (books, travel aids, luggage/bags, etc) of Distant Lands and was rewarded with the discovery of 2 boxes of fresh donuts! Good & tasty. Yet, somehow I only ate one!  😦



Angel will be giving another presentation next month at Distant Lands.  The subject will be on traveling in this digital age. Lemme tell you – I need an angel watching over me when I travel!  Especially in LA area traffic. Until next month, you can get more information from him via these contact points:



Where’s your favorite travel destination & your least favorite part of traveling??


Gotta Get Some R & R. Stay Thirsty My Friends

Pasadena Greetings

Back to Reality


Didn’t I say wake me up on January 2nd?  I overslept! My Pasadena Star News says its now the 11th.  Why didn’t someone wake me!  Alright, you were weary as well. Fine.

I don’t have much time, as per the norm, but lemme sea what’s happened since I last talked with y’all last year.


My Rose Princess Roses already are showing their age.



Our guests from the rain, snow, ice, sleet & cold  – the midwest & north of Wisconsin & Stanford – have left the building.  But they’re temporary visitors. Although every year leaves behind a remnant from every corner of the globe.  Hey, I understand.  However, our historic landmark Rose Bowl is again left to contend with the masses of people who have dug-in, into the hills surrounding her over the decades.




Christmas & the Happy New Year have been put out back.   All but forgotten.  Except when to take the Christmas tree & lights down.   The warmth of the Christmas spirit of joy, peace, reconciliation, happiness, goodwill toward men (and I assume, women too), & love, plus the celebratory, optimistic, & party mood of New Years have turned cold & are a thing of the past.  A moment in eternity. Left for the dumps.




It’s back to how I’ve found most people really think and behave, – especially toward those they impersonally know. Where a simple, “Hi!”, to a stranger passing on the sidewalk can return a shocked, speechless look.  Or, a simple street crossing today reminded me how quickly they can turn into mean streets.  What’s new & happy can quickly get old & sad.  To put it mildly.  Hell – what happened??

Nevermind! I won’t depress or anger y’all with the details.  This article has gone way longer than planned, as usual!  Lettuce just say we’ve got plenty of work to do – it’s back to reality. 


So, you have any big New Years Resolutions?



Gotta Get Working. Stay Thirsty My Friends
